How to increase your book blog traffic?

It is obvious, you want to increase your book blog traffic and gain more exposure of your book. Here a few tips that you should use to achieve that. These small steps may be more important than the text you wrote, so pay attention!
1. Use an image
Images catch attention. Especially in the era of social media they are very important. If you share the post, the image is what you look at first. Then you read the text. But if there’s no image, would you read the text at all? Exactly. The image is what can help you stand out in a crowd.
On the other hand, the image you use will be indexed by search engines. This way you can get traffic from people using Google Image search. Make sure you change the file name to your post title or this strategy will not work! Adding it to your post, add your title also to the alt text field.
2. Share it!
We all know social media are crucial for gaining traffic and a way to use this traffic is to share your posts. Everytime you write a new post share it on as many social media pages as you can. You may be surprised to hear that one of the best social sites for delivering readers is Flipboard. This app is very popular on iPads and smartphones so it is an ideal platform for people looking for quick reads.
Not every post will bring you huge amounts of traffic, but some will do better than the others. Especially, if they have an eye catching image.
3. Make sure people can share your post
You must have the sharing buttons! At least the main four: Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest. People who share your post expose it to new audiences and it can only have a positive effect on your traffic.
4. Remember to add internal links to your posts
You got a visitor? That’s great! Try to keep him on your page as long as you can! To achieve that add internal links to your posts so that the person gets interested in what you write about and doesn’t disappear after reading just one piece. Remember to do it in an interesting way. Click here isn’t interesting for anyone. Add your hiperlink to some important phrase in your text, which also gives an idea what the other article is about.
5. Research your post title
Every time you write a new post, do some Google search and discover keywords that you can include to attract more people. A useful thing i salso to image what keywords you’d insert into Google search if you’d be searching for that particular topic.
6. Use Google+
I know this tip may seem crazy to you. Google+? It’s so boring, right? Yes, the interaction is minimal, but there’s something very important about Google+: when you publish via your Google+ account, in the Google search results there will appear a link to it with the author image and a bold title. And all this within 20 minutes from publishing! But there is a secret I’m going to tell you… When you publish on Google+ make sure to insert a star at the beginning and at the end of your title. Publishing this post on Google+ I’ll insert my title this way: *How to increase your book blog traffic?*. Make sure you do the same!
7. Use H2 and H3 paragraph headings
When Google or Bing do the research, they look for heading tags. They are numbered, and the most common are H1, H2, H3 and H4. Search engines see these tags as the sense of order in a text. H1 is the title and you don’t have to set it, but you’ll have to do it manually with H2 and other headings. H2 in almost always applied to the sub-heading. This says that these are the most important words, after the title. For all subsequent paragraph headings, they should be H3, and therefore of equal importance. You can easily apply these setting in your blog editor. The setting in usually in the formatting or style menus. Applying H tags to your posts will increase your search index rankings, which of course helps in gaining more organic traffic.
Can you see how fast and easy to apply are these tips? You don’t need to be a nerd or an expert to apply them. Applying them to each of your posts will help you increase your book blog traffic. However remember, that content is still very important! An interesting post on a well-designed blog will bring you many loyal readers.