Where good ideas come from?

Have you ever wondered where good ideas come from? I could start and end this article with just one sentence:
‘Garbage in, garbage out’,
but let’s try to dig a little deeper.
I was thinking what articles I could write for Booky to make it more special. How to make it different from all ‘how to self-publish’ pages? Of course, I write about the technical aspects of promotion, etc. But I wanted to add something special, something from me and when I started thinking about it? Turned out I have a lot to talk about. Within half an hour I wrote 2 articles that were just a conclusion of the last few (actually 3) days of my life! What were I doing within those days? I was working on Booky and other designs, but in the meantime I watched a few Ted videos, 3 movies, a few videos of Werner Herzog’s Masterclass, read fragments of 3 different books and found new courses to learn from. Plus, altogether, I didn’t even spend 30 minutes on Facebook. Matching these various pieces of knowledge with the glue of some life experiences, I managed to create something that I felt was clearly mine and couldn’t be copied by anybody, because nobody had the same experiences as me.
How to use this strategy to write better books?
Try to add something to your days. Are you fascinated by somebody’s personality? Watch interviews with them, read their books or whatever. You know this feeling when you just ‘love’ somebody (author, director, etc), because you feel they are such deep and amazing people. Try to touch this deepness every day! Even if it would be just for a few minutes. If you watch “Gossip girl” every day, don’t expect “Citizen Cane” to come out of your head.
Match the facts you know in your own, unique way and you will create something unique.
You may not believe me that inspiration can come from anything, but check this out. Yesterday I went out with my friends to an Irish Pub. Observing I saw two completely different waiters trying to deal with a crowd of people. It was enough to write a short story about it. I could also write separate stories about the guests of the pub: a family with a teenage boy, a man loosing hair, three young girls making selfies, middle aged boys night out, etc.
Here’s an exercise for you
As I already wrote, observation is a key for a writer. Find one free essay writing service event from your last 48 hours and write about it. You can’t think about anything? You weren’t paying attention to what’s happening around you? Then go out of the house. Go to the street and observe people passing you. Make a walk to the park and see what kinds of different people go there too. Go to a coffee shop and observe the guests. Or simply open the window and look at the people passing by. World is full of inspirations! You just have to notice them. You might think: ‘It sounds so boring! I want to write something special and not just about people on the street’. My answer is: Have you read ‘Ulisses’? Does James Joyce write about anything special? No, he describes a guy buying a soap or walking on the street. Best writers can make something special out of nothing.
Also remember, this is an exercise. If every time you sit to write you want to create a masterpiece, you get nervous, tensed and you probably won’t write nothing at all. Especially if you rarely have time for it, so you expect great results. Chill out. Sit down and write without any expectations. Just write for the joy of writing and for making your brain work. Surprisingly, that is when the results will come.