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Tag Archives: title

should title be original

Should your title be original?

At some point every author faces a problem: what title to choose for my book? Should it be long or short? Should it describe or surprise? And eventually: Should the title be original? This last questions turns out to be frequently asked. Some of the

add yourself as an author on goodreads

How to add yourself as an AUTHOR on Goodreads?

Goodreads is the world’s largest social network for readers. It allows you to look for books, rate them, share them with your friends and connect with some of the authors. You, as an author, can use the Goodreads Author Program to promote your book and engage

Personalizing the kindle cover

So how to personalize your new Kindle Cover? It’s very easy! Let’s get started! Important: If something goes wrong – don’t panic! You can always move one step backwards by pressing Ctrl (Command) +Z. If you need to move back more than just one step,