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Tag Archives: character

how to create real characters

How to create ‘real’ characters?

Observations Have you ever noticed how once you meet a person, you immediately judge them and create a certain way of thinking about them and later something happens, you find out something new about them and your whole vision of that person turns upside down?

How to identify your target audience

How to identify your target audience?

One of the most difficult questions for an author is figuring out ‘who is my target audience?’ But how to identify your target audience? It might be surprising to discover that, whatever we might think, our book is not for everyone. To maximize our chances

how to write a good story

How to write a good story?

How to write a good story? – To be or not to be? Reading the books and tutorials about writing a good story you find often the same tips: make the characters interesting, make the story moving, write about the stuff you know etc. But